
Welcome to Welton le Marsh Parish Council

Welton le Marsh Parish Council consists of 7 "seats".    It meets approximately every 6 weeks at the Welton le Marsh Village Hall.

The Parish Council owns the allotments, the Village Hall itself (which is managed and run by a seperate committee), a speed indicator device (shared with nearby Willoughby) and several seats.  It also arranges for some village grass cutting to be undertaken, around the verges and the definitive footpaths.

It approved several specific policies regarding the management of the Parish Council, which can be viewed under the Council Policies link on this page.  Policies specific to the management of the Allotments are available to allotment tenants.

Current Council News


The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will beheld on Tuesday22nd April 2025 @ 7pm in the Village Hall.

Prior to that will be the Annual Parish Meeting - 8th April 2025 at 7pm.  The Council has invited speaker to talk about the pylons and associated infrastructure and other projects and their effect on the village and surrounds.  Notices will be posted nearer the time.