Agenda 11th October 2022


Clerk:  Mrs J. Cooper

Rose Cottage

Asserby Corner


Alford, Lincs LN13 9QR

Tel: 07714 323722

E mail:


The next meeting of the Welton le Marsh Parish Council will be held on


Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.


Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.


Mrs J. Cooper

Parish Clerk



  1. Apologies – to receive apologies for absence and approve reasons
  2. Declarations of Interest in agenda items.
  3. To receive the notes of the meeting held 30th August 2022 and approve Chairman’s signature as a correct record.
  4. To receive any updates following that meeting.
  5. To consider requesting County Council Highways to re-look at safety of Gunby Road approach to village
  6. To consider use of Village Hall as a “Warm Bank” during the winter months (Cllr Holiday)
  7. Allotments/ Poor Land Charity:
    1. To receive update on Charity Commission registration
    2. To receive report on possible distribution of funds (report attached)
    3. Any other general allotment matters
  8. Correspondence – to receive any general correspondence.
  9. Footpaths – to receive an update on position regarding improvements to footpaths (Cllr Holiday)
  10. To consider and explore ways of extending the Wolds AONB, including working with surrounding parish councils and LCC (Cllr Holiday)
  11. To agree any planters for placing under/around the village signs and agree to request consent for specific design(s) from LCC.
  12. Finance:
    1. To approve payments and agree payments by BACS or cheque as necessary.
  13. Planning –
    1. To note any update on application at Misty Meadows
    2. To note any planning applications/decisions received listed below, and any received following publication of agenda.
  14. Any other Matters for general discussion and items for the next agenda.