Minutes 20th February 2024


Minutes of the ordinary meeting held 20th February 2024


Present:  Cllrs Williams (Chair); Tong; Holiday; Hardcastle; Crome; Cladingbowl; Faulkner-Smith

Mrs J. Cooper (Parish Clerk)

4 members of the public


During the public session concerns were raised regarding the state of Beck Lane potholes and blocked drains.  It was understood that water overflowing from the Beck and the high water table was causing drainage issues, but that there were collapsed drains near the village hall.  It was felt a re-design of the drainage system for Beck Lane was called for.


Members were asked to consider the purchase of another defibrillator for the Village Hall in light of the increase use of the building.  To be agenda item for next meeting.


95           APOLOGIES

                Apologies were  received from Cllr Eyre (ELDC)


                Cllr Hardcastle declared a personal interest in agenda item relating to the pylons.

                Cllr Holiday declared a personal interest in agenda item relating to allotments.


                It was resolved that the Chairman sign these as a correct record.

98           PYLONS

                After much discussion and concern that National Grid was not following Government “Green Book” principles on costings, and that costs for various options appeared to differ regularly, it was resolved to object to the pylons and substations for the following reasons, which Cllr Tong had researched:

“The Parish Council acknowledges the need for increased electricity supply but does not accept that the cables have to pass through the area on pylons.  The Parish Council supports the cables being routed  via the North Sea.

  1. The erection of these pylons will have an adverse effect on the beauty and rural nature of the coastal strip, major factors which bring tourism. They will be visible from the AONB and along the whole of the coastal plain.  The resultant negative effect on the tourism industry will seriously impact the profitability of businesses and the employment and livelihoods of people living in the area.

Tourism is the major industry in this area bringing £824.2million of investment .

The Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty saw £219million of economic impact, and the District's coastlines, recorded £626.5million of investment, a 31.1% increase from the previous year.    4.48million people visited East Lindsey in 2022, up 19%, with 1.92million staying in the District and over 2.5 million visiting for the day.

£173million was spent in the shops and over £163million in its cafes, restaurants, and bars.

8,918 tourism-related jobs were maintained and supported in East Lindsey throughout 2022, the third highest figure since 2011 and showing nearly a full recovery to the pre-pandemic levels of employment in the sector.

(Source- Global Tourism Solutions report 2022)

Employment in the area is very sensitive to outside factors and through the efforts of the authorities, agencies and local businesses there has been a decrease in unemployment during the year ending September 2023 to 3.1% compared to 5.1% the previous year.  (Source:  Office for National Statistics) Any reduction in tourism will inevitably have an adverse effect.

  1.  The erection of pylons will adversely affect the value of homes and holiday accommodation close to the route

Studies have shown that properties located close to pylons experience a significate decrease in value.  As property prices in this area are already low compared to the East Midlands and the national average, this puts those living near the pylons at a serious risk of financial loss, negative equity and considerable disadvantage when wishing to sell their property.

The Parish Council urges the National Grid to route the cables via the North Sea.”

The Chairman had several fliers and some A4 posters for distribution around the village, and Cllr Holiday had received several documents from National Grid which he put on display in the hall.

99           FINANCE

                It was resolved that the following accounts be paid:

                Clerks salary & PAYE (Feb)                                         £153.91

                LALC subs 2024                                                              £  86.04

                The Clerk advised of the availability of an LALC Training Scheme, whereby a Council would sign up for a set fee (£120 in Welton le Marsh case) and receive discounted fees of £12.50 for full day training for Core Training; and £30 for full day non Core Training.  It was agreed not to sign up to the training scheme.


                Cllr Williams had joined the scheme but currently receives a volume of email alerts on various topics, mainly advising of Scams.  It was felt that setting up a scheme as a group would be difficult to manage by the Council and it was resolved not to progress this further.

101        ALLOTMENTS

                Cllr Holiday’s suggested Allotment Policy had been circulated with the agenda.  There was discussion on some amendments, point 7 to be amended to “household”.  With that amendment it was resolved to adopt the Policy.  Cllr Holiday to hold a meeting with allotment holders in March. 

                Concerns were raised at the amount of agricultural machinery stored at the allotments, and it was agreed the Clerk write to the allotment holder concerned.

                It was also agreed that the councillors acting as Allotment Reps should have a list of names and addresses of allotment holders for the purposes of allotment matters only; such information is covered by the Data Protection Policy and is not for general circulation or use other than for management purposes.

102        PLANNING

                There were no applications or decisions to note.


                The Clerk advised LCC amending their timescale for responses to County Matter applications.

                Cllr Williams confirmed the appeal for Misty Meadows had been lodged.


                This was confirmed as 2nd April 2024.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm